Word from the
We have entered the second decade of the 21st Century, and as we move forward, we are facing gigantic challenges. They hinder our progress! Take for example, the problems of corruption, inequality, illiteracy, unemployment & gender discrimination, just to name a few. We might not be able to tackle all of them at once, but we can certainly make a difference by imparting the kind of education and knowledge necessary to nurture the type of citizens our nation requires.
What we need most today is quality education that builds character and instils ethical values. We at AGAPE Mission School try our best to do exactly that! Through holistic education we aim to shape the lives of our pupils here so that they can be compassionate human beings and concerned citizens of our nation. Once they stand on their feet, our prayer is that they will be able to serve one another in the spirit of love & compassion!
We want to see our motherland, India, prosperous and developed. Here at Agape Mission School, we are committed to doing our bit by providing quality education and inculcating the right values in our pupils. Our aim is to eventually make them men and women who will not only want to get a job and earn money, but also rise up and take a stand against the prevalent social evils and finally eradicate them.
Rev. V.S. Bhandari

Word from the
Dear Friends,
It is my privilege to welcome you to the newly designed Website of our school.
AGAPE is a Greek word which means Divine Love. Our motto stands – “By Love Serve One Another.” Galatians 5:13
We have been serving the region of Rishikesh with Love and inculcate the same value in the lives of our students. Our Founder Mr. V. S. Bhandari laid the foundation of our school on LOVE and named the school AGAPE presenting to us the path of love to serve the nation.
AGAPE MISSION SCHOOL aims to prepare the students for a better career and eventually, a happy life. We believe that the strength of the school lies in its teaching faculty and a caring and conducive environment for learning. We believe that every child is unique. Each one has a different pace of learning, which needs to be discovered by the school. I am happy to say that AGAPE MISSION SCHOOL strives towards understanding and fulfilling the individual needs of its students. Devising new pedagogies of teaching to impart good academics and developing confidence in our children are among the primary objectives of our school. I am extremely glad that AGAPE MISSION SCHOOL has set benchmarks in the field of education in our region in the last over 30 years of service.
Our School Principal, Mrs. Ramini Bhandari takes on the responsibility of nurturing children and helps open their minds to the wonders of life. She always encourages the students to take pride in what they have, in their school, their city and their nation.
AMS makes sure that the students grow up to become responsible citizens. Success cannot be measured by material achievement alone, our contribution to the nation and society matters more than what we get out of it.
I would like to thank all the parents who have reposed faith in our school and the ideals it stands for. Let me assure you that your loved ones are in safe hands. Our staff understands the ethos of the school and helps in guiding and encouraging the children and I am sure that the children will make both you and us proud.
In the end I would like to encourage you to take out time to explore our website frequently, follow our regular updates, get important information, and most importantly, make an appointment to meet with us so that we may better understand your needs, hopes and aspirations.
With best wishes,
Vikrant Bhandari